Have you ever tried contacting Mole Valley Council Officers either in person or by telephone?
Whilst never easy in the past, it is now getting even more difficult to get a response following the Liberal Democrat Administration’s decision to close Council Offices to the public from 2.30pm every day. They are also continuing to allow the majority of Council staff to work from home three days a week! This means that residents telephone calls are dealt with by the Customer Services Team who will pass on messages to other Officers, with residents having to wait for a response days later.
This is an appalling situation and is no way to run a Council. It is inefficient, costly and causes needless delay and frustration for residents. Whilst this was acceptable during the Lockdown period there is no excuse for this now. It appears that the desires of the staff are more important than providing services to Council Taxpayers – the people who pay their salaries!
Ashtead Independents believe that residents deserve a better service than this. At the recent meeting of the Full Council, Councillor Gerry Sevenoaks requested that Council offices remain open till 5pm every day and that Council staff return to working in the office five days a week. These requests were refused by the Liberal Democrats Leader of the Council. His response was that residents can contact the Council digitally! This is not inclusive and totally ignores all those people who are not comfortable with, or unable to use, technology. It also fails those who have complex or sensitive queries that require face to face contact.
Ashtead Independents believe that everyone should be treated equally have the easiest access to the full range of Council services and information. We will continue to pursue this matter.
Councillor Gerry Sevenoaks
